eine Ebene hoch
Arbeit im virtuellen Institut
PEP(Pole - Equator - Pole), 2006
Die ersten hier gezeigten Resultate basieren auf dem einfachen Prototypen-Programm (in Perl!) ohne Höhenbewegung, danach übernimmt die richtige 3D Bewegung aus dem wachsenden Programmpaket (in C++) die Bühne.
Poster presentation at the EGU general assembly 2006, featuring two posters (and a movie;-):
Tracer Advection in ECHO-GiSP GCM
in session AS3.05 (Vertical and Long-Range Transport of Trace Gases and Aerosols), see the
abstract and a rendered
PNG image.
Also, my laptop participated in the show by presenting a movie from the 2D-advection of a d1000 starting distribution in different levels, visualizing the mixing between the hemispheres. Watch it as
MPEG2 with 25fps
or as (higher quality)
MJPEG with 8fps.
Saddle Nodes in Wind Fields
in session NP4.03 (Inferring dynamical models from observed data), see the
abstract and a rendered
PNG image.
PEP meeting 2006; movies from 3D run of d180 placed on all model levels (same number of particles at every level), same with d360.
ongoing: quantitative analysis of the d360 and comparison with advection in ECHO-GiSP with chemistry enabled